Privacy Policy

We at Luxury Home Renovation do our best to make your online experience on our website and cooperation with our team as convenient as possible. Another priority for us is the security of your personal information.

This document describes how we collect, store and use information about visitors to our website, users of our application, and our customers. By using our website or application, you agree to the terms described in this statement. This Privacy Policy may be changed or complemented at any time.

The following Privacy Policy applies only to Luxury Home Renovation. We are not responsible for the websites and Privacy Policy statements of other US or foreign companies.

What data we collect

1. Unique personal information, including your name, phone number, e-mail address, work address, residential address, as well as other information that you provide in online forms or in the course of correspondence.

2. Non-unique information, including demographic information, gender, age, ZIP code, preferences and interests.

3. Technical data about your computer or mobile device, including the IP address from which you entered our site, the type of software installed on the device, the type and version of the browser. In addition, we automatically collect information about when you visited our site, from which site you came to our company’s site, as well as data about your recent browser activity.

Attention! Our company is not responsible for the information that you post in open sources, forums, comments and social networks. This information may be available to third parties. We recommend that you do not post personal and financial information there.

How we use the data

1. Luxury Home Renovation collects information in order to guarantee the best customer service, communicate with customers and conduct business correspondence, accept and deliver orders, provide services and promptly answer questions, wishes and complaints.

2. We collect and analyze data about site visitors and application users for statistical and marketing purposes to make website and application more convenient and functional, to determine those functions that are actively used and those that are used less often. Specialized software can be used for these purposes.

3. We may use the information we collect to inform you about new services and products, and to receive feedback, reviews and comments from you. Please note that we do not use spam technologies and only send our clients really important information.

4. We may transfer information to verified business partners and our suppliers who carry out market research, provide related services, deliver and so on. All these companies are forbidden to use the information received from us except to provide mentioned services to Luxury Home Renovation.

Attention! We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties. We keep gathered data as well as your sensitive personal information (race, religion, political opinion, etc.) confidential.

5. Some anonymized data about users of the website and application may be automatically collected by autonomous analytical services, search engines and advertising services.

6. Cookies. Our website uses cookie technology to make your online experience more comfortable and personalized. We do not store cookies on our servers, as these cookies are stored on the hard drive of your device. If you wish, you can opt out of using this technology. Please note that many browsers use cookies automatically, and if you want to disable them, you need to do it manually in the program settings.

7. We may disclose your personal information at the request of authorized government agencies, as well as to protect the interests and property of Luxury Home Renovation and the interests of our customers. We may disclose personal information about a user or a client if we detect fraudulent and illegal actions in relation to our company or other users.


We do not knowingly collect or store information about users under the age of 13 without parental or guardian consent. If you suspect or know that a child has used our website or app, please let us know so that we remove the personal information about that user.

Prohibited Uses

By using our website or application, you automatically agree that:

1. You will not use the website or app in any way to violate federal, state, local or international law.

2. You will not use the website or application to harm Luxury Home Renovation, our partners, other users or customers.

3. You will not use automated or manual equipment or programs (including viruses, Trojans, worms, DDOS-attack services, etc.) to collect information, copy material, or disrupt our site or application.

4. You will not use any materials protected by the U.S. and international copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights laws.

How we store information

We make every effort to securely store the information we collect. According to US law, servers with information are physically located in the United States. Our experts do everything possible to protect the collected data from unauthorized access or leakage.

Contact information

If you have any questions, if you want to receive detailed information about our Privacy Policy, if you have any requests or claims, you can send a request by email or contact us by phone.
